Sheena Meade, CEO, The Clean Slate Initiative: The Changemaker Interview

Media June 7, 2024

“In these extremely politically polarized times, one of the rare issues that often garners bipartisan support is criminal justice reform. Twelve states have passed “clean slate” laws that automatically clear criminal records nationwide for people who have completed their sentences and remained crime-free. Leading the effort to pass more such laws is The Clean Slate Initiative’s Sheena Meade.

Sheena: ‘At the Clean Slate Initiative, our mission is to pass and implement laws that automatically clear eligible records nationwide for people who have completed their sentence and remained crime-free, and expand who is eligible for clearance. Many of those eligible for expungement don’t realize they are and even still, the current petition-based system can be bureaucratic and full of red tape. Due to this, less than 10% of those who are eligible actually end up completing the record clearance process.'”

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