A $60 million gift jumpstarts plan to boost Dallas County young adults’ wages

Media December 6, 2024

“Just one-third of young adults in the county currently do, a figure decried as dismal by local school and industry leaders.

‘Dallas County Promise 2.0 is substantially expanded, focusing on kids starting in middle school and then all the way through the workforce,’ Commit Partnership CEO Todd Williams said. […]

‘How do we support kids while they’re in higher ed?’ Williams said. ‘Just because we get them there, doesn’t mean they’re going to complete.’

Commit and its partners want to tackle the root causes behind each point of potential melt, acknowledging part of the problem is perception. They’re asking themselves: How do we address the kids who don’t see themselves as ready for college — or able to afford it? How do we help the students who would be better served with a credential immediately launching them into a high-paying job?

The Dallas-based Commit Partnership is an influential collaborative that works to boost educational and economic opportunities for young people.”

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