Tennessee law provides stipends for relatives caring for children to reduce state custody placements

Media September 26, 2024

“‘I think that one of the barriers or challenges that relatives have sometimes when deciding to take in a child is, ‘Do I have the income, or do I have the financial resources to provide and care for this child on a long-term basis,’ Kori Caldwell, the assistant director for community-based programs at Youth Villages said.

Caldwell told News 2 entering the foster care system can negatively impact an already traumatized child.

‘They’re often entering a home they’ve never been to, so they’re having to learn new parents, new expectations, new rules,’ Caldwell said. ‘That transition can be very challenging for kids and it can contribute to some of the mental health issues they may already have or contribute to some of the trauma they may experience.’ [. . .]

This past legislative session, lawmakers passed a bill expanding the number of qualifying relative caregivers in the program by lifting the income cap and making other changes. The bill received bipartisan support.”

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